Our Products

Sweet combinations

Putting savoury flavours together with softer and sweet ones is not a recent trend. Already from the period of the Renaissance, gastronomy – which was on the cusp of becoming...

"Cinta Senese" swine

Cinto Toscano swine represents the historical denomination that is identified by the genetic type Cinta Senese.  The latter has ancient origins and its representations have been...

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Who we are

Everything you need...we have !

CROCINI Food Service is a company that commercializes a large gamut of food products geared to serving the restaurant, catering and gastronomy industries

Our company, managed by founder Piero Crocini, is a leader in the field due to the quality of the products it has to offer and the meticulous control in its choice and conservation of the same.

For almost 60 years, CROCINI S.r.l. has been searching, selecting and distributing cheese, cold cuts and other gastronomic specialties of big brands and smaller agricultural firms sharing a common passion for their tradition and search for quality.

Highly competitive prices and a great variety of products both guarantee a complete supply for any demands in the restaurant service field and also for anyone with whom we can share a mutual curiosity for products and traditions.

The CROCINI S.r.l. firm has always signified QUALITY, TRADITION and CONVENIENCE.

New Products

Pistachio sauce 520 gr

Dettagli 19,11 € 17,37 € + 10% IVA

Black peppercorns

Dettagli 6,70 € 6,09 € + 10% IVA

Grotta Falisca

Dettagli 17,80 € 17,12 € + 4% IVA